
Acupressure - The application of finger pressure on specific bodily sites (points) to promote healing.

Acupuncture - A Chinese medical practice that addresses illnesses or provides local anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specific sites of the body.

Chiropractic - A therapeutic system based upon the interactions of the spine and nervous system and which is practiced by adjusting segments of the spinal column.

Cilia - Minute, hairlike organelles found in the mucous membranes of the nasal area and which beat in rhythmic movements to remove debris, pollutants, germs, etc.

Dust mites - Microscopic organisms that live in house dust whose droppings some people are very allergic to.

Holism - The care of the entire patient in all aspects.

Meatus - Passage that connects the sinus cavity with the inside of the nasal structure.

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a diagnostic procedure using an MR scanner to obtain detailed sectional images of the internal structure of the body.

Mucus - A sticky, slimy mixture of mucins, water and other bodily produced chemicals which is secreted by glands lining the nasal cavities and serves primarily to protect and lubricate those surfaces.

Sinus cavities - Hollow areas in the skull and and facial bones which are lined with mucous membranes and which connect with the inside of the nose through small holes about 1 mm in diameter.

Sinus pressure points - Another way of expresing acupressure therapy


Harvard Medical School Guide to Healing Your Sinuses, by Ralph Metson and Steven Mardon, 2005

The Ministry of Healing, by Ellen G. White, 1990

The Sinus Sourcebook, by Deborah Rosin, 1999

Sinus Health: How to Prevent and Correct Sinus Problems, by Mary Vanderwall, 1997

The Sinusitis Help Book A Comprehensive Guide to a Common Problem: Questions, Answers, Options, by M. Lee Williams, 1998

The Truth About Sinusitis: A Self-Care Guide for Nose and Sinus Problems, by Charles P., MD and Bo Lebo (Audio Cassette,) 1991

Acupressure's Potent Points, by Ralph R. Gach

Rhinology and Sinus Disease: A Problem Oriented Approach
by Steven D. Schaefer, 1998

Sinus Survival: The Holistic Medical for Allergies, Colds, and Sinusitis, by Robert S., 2000.

How to Cure Sinus Problems. Without Resorting to Harsh or Drugs, by James M. McDaniel, 2011



Over 20 pgs, including One-page Summary

The Best 3 Sinus Healing Systems:
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  • 3 Steps to Quick Sinus & Mucus Freedom is the right thing R.D., Cusi, Fr
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Key Elements to
Remember for
Sinus Cure

Right foods
Pressure points
Right natural remedies

A combination of healing systems working synergistically (cooperatively) for your sinuses is the key to sinus healing

Combining empirical research and reading many sources of information is how I found this new approach

The right sinus relief is more than just taking medications. It involves: Right eating, botanicals, some regular medications & pressure points for the sinuses

Foods can significantly affect your sinuses. Learn which foods can cause problems and which ones promote healing





Disclaimer: I am not a physician nor a licensed health care practitioner. The statements made in this web site or in the publication: Three Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are intended to describe what I did or would personally do only, and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease or condition for others. The reader should continue to regularly consult a physician with regard to his or her health. Especially with respect to any matters or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical care.

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