Rhinitis: What You Should Know and I Would Do

What is it ? What causes it? What is the best remedy? What should I do?

A number of years ago I asked myself similar questions as my rhinitis, probably "inherited" since early childhood, tormented me. Would you allow me this suggestion: learn as much as you can about this condition, this will enable you to better deal with it. That's what I did and I am glad. You will be, too.

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract
a - vertebrae, b - esophagus, c - trachea
d - cricoid cartilage, e - laryngopharynx, f -
pharynx, g - nasopharynx, k - tongue,
l - hard palate, o - superior turbinate,
p - middle turbinate, q - inferior turbinate

Sub-heading Links
What is rhinitis?
Causes of rhinitis
Symptoms of rhinitis
Post nasal drip and rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis
Non allergic rhinitis
Infectious rhinitis
Offer: Three Steps to Sinus &
Rhinitis Healing

What is rhinitis?
It is simply a persistent swelling of the nasal cavity's mucous membrane caused by irritation and inflammation. This in turn causes the nasal membrane to receive an excessive amount of histamine to fight off the irritation; causing the "runny nose" nuisance symptom characteristic of acute rhinitis.

Causes of rhinitis
This is not a comprehensive list, but covers most causes known:

  • The proximate cause is an excessive production of histamine
  • The root cause seems to be:
    • a genetic predisposition to rhinitis
    • exposure to irritants
  • A viral or bacterial infection
  • Environmental allergies to:
    • pollens
    • dust
      • outside dust
      • workplace dust
    • smog, car exhaust
    • cigarette smoke
    • molds
    • strong fumes
    • chemicals
  • Non-allergenic causes
    • some medications
      • birth control pills, female hormone preparations
      • some blood pressure medications
      • aspirin
      • repeated use of some nasal sprays decongestants
      • cocaine
    • foods which trigger a non-allergic nerve reflex
    • some food spices
    • household items such as:
      • house dust
      • pet animal dander
      • cleaning solutions
      • cosmetics, hair sprays, perfumes
    • sudden changes in the weather or ambient temperature

A person could be affected by one or more of these elements.

Symptoms of rhinities
It varies from person to person, but they include the following:

  • Runny nose
  • Post nasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Malaise
  • Rhinitis can affect other areas, besides the nose, with adverse reactions, such as:
    • throat - irritation
    • eyes - itching, watering
    • ear - ringing, itching
    • sleep - not as relaxing
    • learning activity impairment

Obviously not all these symptoms need to be present to have rhinitis

Post nasal drip and rhinitis
Often, unfortunately, rhinitis is accompanied by post nasal drip, sometimes called sinus drainage. It takes place when some or all the mucus or histamine begins to flow from the posterior of the nasal cavity, directly into the back of the throat. You should be aware that if the post nasal drip is allowed to continue unchecked it can irritate the throat membranes, as well as the larynx-pharynx and bronchial membranes and cause infection in thoset areas. Thus, it makes sense to try to stop the post nasal drip to avert infection. The following relief procedure can help check the latter:

  • If allergies are suspected OTC histamine can control the mucus flow from the sinus or nasal cavity, thus avoiding congestion
  • Drinking lots of water always helps mucus to thin and flow easily. It also helps the immune system
  • Rest and relaxation always helps the body to guard against viruses and bacteria
  • Taking "nature's antibiotic" G can help prevent a bacterial infection, when used early on
  • Depending on the severity of the post nasal drip you may want to consider seeing a physician
  • Other potential sinus problems can be avoided when excessive drainage is checked early on

Types of Rhinitis

There are three overall types of rhinitis: allergic, non allergic and infective rhinitis. The most common is allergic rhinitis.

Allergic Rhinitis
Also known as hay fever, this is one of the most common ailments--it affects about 20 percent of the US population. It can be perennial or seasonal. The latter usually starts after exposure to seasonal pollens; while the former is usually associated with household or outside dust, animal dander, household cleaning chemicals, heavy smog, etc. Heredity and a predisposition to allergic reaction to these items conspire against us. If both parents have a history of allergic rhinitis the risk to the children is about 50 percent. It decreases to 30 percent if one parent only has had it. Most patients develop allergic rhinitis symptoms before the age of 30.

What to do

  • Eliminate histamine, mucus, and phlegm triggering food and drink. For example: DP, SF, RW, TS, FF, EP, SC, RW, ES, B, AD, etc
  • Use some natural antihistamine remedy. For example: large doses of vitamin C
  • Stay away as much as possible from the allergen source is the first and best solution; but not always easy to do
  • Maintain the bedroom as free from pollens and other airborne allergens as possible
    • pollen can cling to your skin, hair, clothing. Bathing before going to bed reduces exposure
    • wash bedding often
    • if allergic to house dust
      • enclose your mattress in a plastic container to avoid dust mites
      • keep bedroom area as free from dust as possible
      • wash linen and pillow cases often
    • mop, vacuum, clean often
  • Drink as much plain, room temperature water as possible - minimum of 5 glasses a day
  • Optional items:
    • Allergy testing to determine specific allergens you may be sensitive to. For example, house dust
    • Allergy shots for the high sensitivity items
    • Use pollen filters in your home and car air conditioning systems
    • Saline solution irrigation can remove obstructions and contaminants from the nose and keep air passages clear
    • A bone misalignment in your neck area can be a contributory element. This is explained in detail in Three Steps to Sinus and Rhinitis Relief
    • If natural antihistamines do nor work use an OTC remedy like Claritin, for temporary relief
    • Avoid congestion, sinus pressure and a potential infection
      • by keeping breathing passages clear
      • by not eating or drinking histamine, mucus producing foods

There is not much that can be done to totally prevent allergic rhinitis, besides avoiding areas with allergens you suspect are bothering you. Bear in mind that an allergic reaction can cause sinus pressure, which in turn can produce an upper respiratory tract infection--if sinus mucus gets infected and travels down. This can be a proximate cause of rhinitis The lesson to keep in mind are:

  • nip sinus pressure in the bud
  • the foods we eat, on the other hand, can exacerbate an allergic reaction
  • stay away, as much as possible, from allergens and irritation causing household items such as: cleaning products, animal dander, etc.
  • eating a healthy diet, especially reducing to very small amounts foods that tend to produce mucus and histamine is always desirable
  • getting enough rest and relaxation are always a plus in prevention. Fasting is practiced by some to boost the immune system and for general health

Non Allergic Rhinitis
If you have recurring stuffy or runny nose that does not go away over a period of time, but keeps coming back; you probably have non allergic rhinitis. Often having similar symptoms as allergies, non allergic rhinitis--also known as vasomotor rhinitis--is probably caused by an excessive amount of blood vessels, or over sensitivity of those vessels in the nasal membrane, to such things as:

  • changes in barometric pressure, temperature, weather - even if the changes are not very significant
  • environmental and domestic items such as:
    • cigarette smoke
    • air pollution
    • ozone
    • aerosol sprays
    • perfumes
  • some medications
  • spices, alcohol
  • strong emotional reaction
  • psychological stress

Although it is not a very serious disorder it is nevertheless annoying and can produce complications if left unaddressed. For example:

  • nasal polyps
  • middle ear infections
  • chronic sinusitis

Ordinarily, non allergic rhinitis is diagnosed after an allergy is ruled out. In general, the average age for this type of rhinitis is after 20 years of age. This contrasts with allergic rhinitis which is usually detected before the age of 20. Unlike allergic rhinitis--which usually appears primarily during certain times of the year--the non allergic rhinitis is usually active year-round. There may be an increase in the discomfort level during spring and fall, nevertheless, when there are rapid weather changes.

What to do

  • The elimination of histamine and mucus producing foods and drinks should be seriously considered
  • Drink as much water as possible. At least 5 glasses per day
    • ionized water is excellent for its antioxidant properties
    • avoid sugary drinks
  • Saline solution irrigations can be beneficial to flush out irritants and obstruction
    • the one containing xyletol is excellent
    • avoid any other chemical ingredients
  • Check for a vertebra misalignment along side the spinal cord; it can contribute to rhinitis. This is explained in detail in Three Steps to Sinus and Rhinitis Relief
  • Acupressure can help boost the immune system and prevent infection caused by the rhinitis mucus irritating action
  • When using sprays, inhalations, etc., guard your nasal cilia against damage. Read remedy's label
  • Use an ultrasonic room humidifier at night, it will :

There is no sure way yet to avoid the basic factors that cause non allergenic rhinitis. However, if you already have it, some steps can be taken to minimize your symptoms and prevent flare-ups:

  • Keep away from triggers - try to identify the things that make your rhinitis symptoms worse and avoid them
  • Avoid overuse of decongestants - they can make matters worse when used over time
  • Professional care - if self care hasn't produced satisfactory results, see your physician. Polyps, sinusitis, etc., can develop if this condition is allowed to continue
  • Avoid foods which produce mucus, phlegm, histamine.

Infectious Rhinitis
It is also called: acute, and viral rhinitis. It can mimic a sinus infection and its symptoms, or a common cold. Symptoms associated with this kind of rhinitis are:

  • fever
  • chills
  • headache
  • malaise
  • watery nasal mucus
  • watery eyes
  • obstruction in the nasal passages
  • purulent mucus discharge
  • facial pain
  • post nasal drip
  • the mucus thickens and gradually disappears

Not all these symptoms must be present, they depend on the type of rhinovirus involved--there are over 100 types of them--and the immune system reaction. These symptoms can ordinarily last anywhere from 7-14 days.

What to do
A viral infection must run its course. Obviously, antibiotics won't do any good. Thus, there isn't a lot one can do, medically, to fight it. The strategy then is to: (1) prevent the viral infection from infecting other respiratory organs, (2) lessen the discomfort of the symptoms (3) use nature's antiviral products. This is what you can do:

  • Start drinking as much water and natural fresh juices as you can
  • Use herbal EB, G, which are nature's "virus fighters." Take them about three times a day for the first 3 days then twice a day
  • Take a very warm bath to induce perspiration for about 15 minutes. Then take a cool shower for about 1 minute to induce a reaction. This will eliminate body toxins and stimulate the immune system. Then go to bed and rest, relax, all you can
  • If you have fever take an OTC remedy of your choice to keep the fever down
  • For nasal congestion you can use a Breathe Right nasal strip, which physically keeps your nostrils opened wider
  • If the mucus is thick and not flowing properly, do acupressure points B5, A2, 3, 4. Steam inhalations can help the sinus and nasal cavity discharge
  • A nasal saline solution can be helpful to wash off obstructions, debris
  • As a last resort you can use an OTC decongestant
  • If a headache persists it can be addressed with an OTC analgesic--if the previous items suggested do not take care of it
  • Dispose properly of nasal tissues so they won't spread the viral infection to others
  • If you develop phlegm in the lower respiratory tract, be sure not to swallow it. You can:
    • use guaifenesin, without DM, to bring the phlegm up and then expectorate it
    • the natural and most effective way to get the phlegm up and out is by doing a chest percussion procedure

Use your common sense as you apply these suggestion. Three Steps to Sinus Cure explains in detail the natural remedies being suggested, above, so they can work best for you.

Boosting naturally the immune system at the very first sign of a possible bout with infective rhinitis makes sense. Again EB and G are known natural antiviral herbals. They can be effective if taken early on. The prevention items shown under the allergic rhinitis heading would, essentially, apply here, too. You also want to prevent the spreading of the infection to other respiratory organs like the sinus membranes, lower respiratory track, bronchi, etc. By dealing successfully with the nasal cavity infection you can prevent the latter.

Rhinitis Medicamentosa
Continuous use of some nasal sprays, for about a week, like: naphazoline, phenylephrine can bring about this type of rhinitis. These sprays constrict the blood vessels of the nasal cavity membrane and can contribute to a permanent swelling of the turbinates. This condition blocks regular breathing and often requires surgery. The over use of those nasal sprays are commonly associated with:

  • non allergic rhinitis--vasomotor rhinitis
  • cocaine users
  • chronic rhinitis
  • upper respiratory infections
  • deviated septum

What to do

  • obviously, the first thing to do is to stop using those nasal sprays referred to, above
  • a product called Rhinostat may help cope with the withdrawal from the offending nasal spray
  • oral steroids may be required in some cases
  • best thing in most cases is to see an ENT specialist

Again, it is obvious that use of some nasal sprays, as those described in the opening paragraph of this section, above, can be quite risky if used for longer than a day or two. A saline solution spray is usually safer than other more potent ones. Three Steps to Sinus and Rhinitis Relief has a formula for a saline solution that is widely used and safe, if the instructions therein are followed.

A sensible approach to rhinitis using the above information can go a long way to deal successfully with this health issue.

Solution Summary

1. Foods - Cut back or eliminate: histamine, mucus, producing foods

2. Sinuses and nasal cavity - Keep sinuses and passages clear always--use right foods, acupressure, right remedies

3. Nerve energy - Remove a common, mostly unknown, impediment for full nerve energy flow--for sinus self healing and general health

This triple-pronged approach led to my healing 2 years ago and of others. It is fully explained in Three Steps to Sinus And Rhinitis Relief.


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Key Elements to
Remember for
Sinus Cure

Right foods
Pressure points
Right natural remedies

A combination of healing systems working synergistically (cooperatively) for your sinuses is the key to sinus healing

Combining empirical research and reading many sources of information is how I found this new approach

The right sinus relief is more than just taking medications. It involves: Right eating, botanicals, some regular medications & pressure points for the sinuses

Foods can significantly affect your sinuses. Learn which foods can cause problems and which ones promote healing





Disclaimer: I am not a physician nor a licensed health care practitioner. The statements made in this web site or in the publication: Three Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are intended to describe what I did or would personally do only, and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease or condition for others. The reader should continue to regularly consult a physician with regard to his or her health. Especially with respect to any matters or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical care.

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