Yellow Mucus: Causes Symptoms & Relief

There are two alternatives for relieving yellow mucus: Get rid of the cause(s) of the problem and it will probably soon disappear including, of course, the discomforts or symptoms now being experienced. Or just deal with the latter (symptoms) and continue medicating them as they comeback. If you would rather get rid of the "pain" once and for all, I can help your. Let's see for a moment what causes the problem:

Causes of yellow mucus
Chronic allergy irritation and certain foods can be devastating to our sinuses. By now we all understand the obvious: Drugs, by the way of pills, sprays, drops, etc., relieve symptoms only--they don't cure anything. Yet some are content just having a quick symptoms fix. Again, by going to the cause--allergy, food, sinus membrane irritation, viruses, etc-.-and eliminating it, we can minimize yellow mucus and even permanently relieve it in many cases. Feeling good and enjoying life again is quite possible. Please, understand that some foods are more responsible for the root cause of mucus than most of us may realize. I permanently relieved my yellow mucus and other sinus issues by following a three steps approach explained in the publication, below:

The rest of this web page offers general information on how to handle symptoms connected with yellow mucus.


Sinus mucus color change
Our bodies were designed to have sinus mucus and air running constantly from our sinus cavities to the nasal cavity. Most of the time we do not notice it because it is very liquid and clear--the good kind of mucus. Yet if it becomes excessive--as when having a bout with sinusitis--we do become aware of it. Sometimes excessive mucus may start with one color and change to another one, for instance from yellow to green mucus. It is important that we monitor the change to know what steps we should take if any. Thus it would make sense to deal with excessive sinus mucus in general first and how to approach it. It's good to remember that sinus mucus is very necessary for a healthy breathing apparatus, especially the watery, clear type.

Yellow mucus relief -- for temporary relief of symptoms
Natural remedies, supplemented with OTC medications, can bring temporary relief to the stress of a sinus infection and help stop yellow snot. This is what I would consider doing:

  1. Steam inhalations solutions can be beneficial to quickly relieve congestion and pressure in the nasal and sinus cavities--if yellow mucus begins to accumulate. I would:
    • watch the steam temperature so it won't paralyze the cilia
      • it should not be above the prescribed temperature
      • start with a 5 minute procedure
    • use some medicinal herbs or OTC medication with the steam
      • a few drops of eucalyptus oil
        • eucalyptus oil is disinfectant
        • it can help open nasal and sinus passages
      • dry thyme leaves
  2. If I were a smoker I would quit
  3. Antioxidants can boost the immune system and help fight an infection connected with yellow mucus. Antioxidants I use are:
    • blue berries, pomegranates
    • vegetables
      • fresh, or
      • on fresh juice concentrates
    • I start this antioxidant protocol within 24 hours from the begriming of symptoms
  4. I prevent sinus pressure from starting or building up to avoid sinus infection
    • by being aware of possible environmental sinus irritants
      • outdoors, e.g., pollens, smog, contaminants
      • indoors, e.g., house dust, pets dander
    • by avoiding mucus causing foods
    • keeping nasal mucus from accumulating
  5. Acupressure for the sinuses--sometimes called "sinus pressure points"--can be a safe, proven, effective and natural way to help your sinuses through restoration of full nerve flow, especially sinus pressure. This is thoroughly discussed and illustrated in Three Steps to Sinus and Mucus Relief, click here. So I actually do acupressure every day
  6. Herbals EB and W have strong antiviral properties, they can be used at the very outset--when clear or light yellow mucus first appears. So I take them
  7. I drink lots of plain, room temperature water throughout the day. This thins the mucus for easier flow and helps to prevent infection
    • ionized water has antioxidant properties
    • it detoxifies the body
    • is excellent for general health
  8. I take some over-the-counter drug remedies, they deal primarily with symptoms relief. So I:
    • Keep in mind that these remedies do have undesirable side effects
    • Consult my pharmacist as to what may be best for my particular yellow mucus situation
    • Be sure that what I choose harmonizes with other medications I am taking
    • Read labels.
      • some OTC remedies can make you drowsy
      • to ascertain possible conflict with other medications
      • for contraindications
    • Do not create a dependency on these medication
  9. Unless my doctor very specifically indicates them I avoid using the nasal sprays that follow:
    • naphazoline
    • xylometazoline
    • phenilephrine
    • oxymetazoline
  10. Any OTC remedy that can harm the cilia I would not use--the cilia are hairlike organelles in the nasal and sinus cavity membranes; beating at 16 times per second they move mucus in the right direction
  11. I avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Prolonged stress can weaken the immune system
  12. I take a very warm bath to stimulate perspiration can help detoxify the body and boost the immune system
  13. Checking for misalignments that can exert pressure on the spinal cord and impede full nerve energy flow is something I do periodically
  14. Once my yellow mucus has cleared up I keep my sinus, nasal cavities and upper respiratory passages cleared at all times
    • using acupressure
      • to be effective I must find the precise right spot
      • I do each each one for about 4 minutes
      • I concentrate on the benefits I desire
      • the exact spot is usually more sensitive than surrounding area
      • do not do immediately after eating a meal
    • inhalation therapy as needed
    • drinking plenty of water
    • using OTC remedies lastly
  15. Nasal irrigation--sinus rinse--can keep the nasal cavity clear, can help sinus pressure, and supplement the above therapeutic steps.

Although mucus must be constantly flowing together with air to keep our sinuses and their passages healthy--up to about a quart a day--sometimes one feels that excessive mucus relief would be a welcome change

Causes of excessive sinus mucus

  • Irritation due to environmental pollutants
  • Infection--yellow mucus is often a sign of it
  • Eating significant amounts of mucus producing foods
    • this is often the main cause
    • a combination of some foods and irritation and infection
  • Trinities also called "hay fever" or runny nose
  • An allergic reaction to the environment
  • Unaddressed sinus pressure:
    • creates conditions for mucus to stagnate
    • can be the begriming of an infection if mucus stagnates followed, often, by yellow mucus secretion
    • can cause other sinus problems
  • For in depth information on this subject, please, click on the following link: excessive mucus relief procedure

Relieve excessive sinus mucus:

  • Start drinking as much water as I could--5-6 glasses a day
    • plain water at room temperature
    • avoid soft drinks and other sugary drinks
    • hot teas are also good
      • thyme tea is often used as decongestant
      • best to drink it without sugar
  • If I had a chronic mucus problem I would consider using a state of the arts devise to keep my my sinus clear
  • Relax and rest all I could to help the immune system do its work
  • While relaxing I would do acupressure to stimulate the immune system and help the sinuses
    • the hoku point
    • D 9
  • Determine the color of the mucus
    • if at any time the color is pink or has blood I would see my physician
    • if there are other symptoms present I evaluate them to determine cause of the excessive mucus
  • I would consider using some botanicals to boost the immune system like:
    • one that is seldom used, but very effective is garlic
    • echinasea
  • Then, for temporary relief of the symptom, consult my pharmacist
    • I would tell him/her the color of the mucus
    • my interest in getting temporary relief from an OTC
    • follow the instructions on the OTC package or the pharmacist's
  • To obtain permanent relief if the problem has been going on for a while
    • try to ascertain the cause of the problem
      • if I think it is an allergic reaction I would get close to the suspected source take a good sniff and see what happens
      • if it is an allergic reaction I would keep away from the source as much as possible based on the above initial test
      • when the above test is negative then try to ascertain the cause based upon the list shown above of possible causes
      • remember that green and yellow mucus are signs of infection
  • Once I have ascertained the cause(s) deal with it
    • and go to our site map and find the page that seems best to suit your situation
    • if the problem continues seek professional medical help
  • Many excessive mucus problems can be solved by avoiding three specific foods--to know more I would go to the publication being offered

Yellow mucus can be a symptom of:

  • Sinus infection
  • Cold or flu
  • Allergy reaction
  • Air dryness
  • Bronchitis
  • Nasal polyps
  • Candida albicans occasionally

Typically persistent yellow mucus is a sign that our body is being attacked by either a bacteria or a virus. Action is required to deal with it.

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract
a - vertebrae, b - esophagus, c - trachea
d - cricoid cartilage, e - laryngopharynx, f -
pharynx, g - nasopharynx, k - tongue,
l - hard palate, o - superior turbinate,
p - middle turbinate, q - inferior turbinate

Sinus mucus color meaning
Knowing the mucus color meaning can help us sometimes nip a disorder in the bud. The hues may vary somewhat, but essentially there are seven different mucus colors: green, yellow, brown, white, clear, pink and blood; but the clear color is the most common one. Here are the meaning some authorities attach to the various colors:

Clear-this is the normal, healthy type. We secrete from a pint to a quart a day to keep our breathing system doing its properly.

White-the abundant use of dairy products seem to be a main cause of this mucus, especially produced when one is having sinus problems and cow's milk is used. It can be also an indication of bronchitis.

Pink or bloody-this is the kind you do not want to see for it can be an indication of a serious condition; a physician should be consulted.

Brown-smokers often see this mucus color, but also those who are secondary recipients of the tobacco smoke.

Green-can be an indication of an infection in the respiratory system like bronchitis. If the green nasal discharge is accompanied by pain and/or fever for several days it can be an indication of a bacterial infection, which usually requires a visit to one's physician. Sometimes the green mucus can come at the tail end of an infection and following yellow mucus.

Yellow-a dark yellow can indicate a sinus infection, while a light yellow can be produced by dry air. If it is accompanied by one or more of these symptoms: coughing, wheezing, fatigue, chest discomfort, shortness of breath after small exertions, then the yellow mucus can be a symptom of bronchitis. A recurring condition with the presence of yellow mucus can also signify that there may be some other underlying problem in the respiratory system that needs to be looked at. Sometimes, however, a light yellow, thick and sticky mucus is produced, as already mentioned, just because the air is very dry; and the nasal membrane is not succeeding in producing compensating moisture. Providing additional moisture in the air by a cool or hot steam humidifier can be an excellent idea. I keep those nasal and sinus membranes moist to help avoid infection.

A thick yellow snot can indicate the presence of a "cold" and that one needs to drink more water. On the other hand, green mucus can often have pretty much the same basic meaning as yellow. On the other hand green snot, as nasal green mucus is sometimes called, can be a sign of: a common cold, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, upper respiratory infection.

Sin uses MRI

Sinus MRI

Purpose of sinus mucus
We can think of the sinus cavities as rooms lying off and connecting to a central "hallway"--the nose cavity. Their main function is the production of mucus to clean and moisten the air we breathe in. Mucus and air must constantly be passing, unobstructed, from the sinuses to the nose cavities. At the end of each sinus there is a small opening for the mucus and air to go through. This movement of air and mucus keeps the sinuses healthy. The sinus and nasal membranes--produce between 1 to 2 pints (1 quart) of mucus daily. This amount is normal and necessary; to keep those cavities healthy. Mucus traps and washes away foreign particles such as house dust and bacteria. Otherwise they would invade our breathing organs--bronchi, lungs, etc--and cause other health problems such as: chronic irritation of the sinuses, infection, sinusitis, yellow mucus, etc. Phlegm, on the other hand, is produced only by the lungs, and is a sign of a problem. It is not present in the nose cavity. Phlegm helps the immune system cope when it is overloaded. Sometimes excessive mucus produced by the nasal cavities, instead of draining out the nostril openings, goes directly to the posterior part of the nasal cavities and into the back of the throat, to become post-nasal drip. This latter terminology also applies to excessive sinus mucus which also goes down the back of the throat. Henceforth we will use the terms green snot or green mucus indistinctly. It's good to remember that whenever mucus accumulates and is allowed to create sinus pressure, if unaddressed it can lead to sinus infection and green and yellow mucus. On the other hand excessive mucus procedure should also be considered important since it can irritate the upper respiratory organs and trigger an infection.

Where snot is produced
Mucus is produced in:

  • The membranes lining the nasal cavity
  • The membrane lining the sinus cavities
  • The membranes lining the
    • bronchioles
    • bronchi
    • trachea

Signs of a bacterial infection accompanied by yellow snot
Not all these symptoms of a sinus infection need to be present.

Yellow snot
Sometimes yellow mucus is referred to as "yellow snot." A light yellow snot can be a sign of low humidity in the environment as well as a sign of an infection in the respiratory system. For example, sinusitis that is progression. Since the latter disorder is so common we should become familiar with its symptoms and when it is advisable to see a physician. One should know that there are foods that can cause mucus and if one is dealing with a yellow mucus issue these foods would help this situation.

Yellow snot can be a assign of sinusitis when thick and accompanied by:

  • nasal obstruction or congestion, causing difficult breathing
  • swelling and pressure around nth eyes
  • aching in the upper jaw and teeth
  • reduced sense of smell
  • coughing which gets worse at night
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • ear pain
  • fatigue
  • fever

When to see a doctor
When yellow snot is accompanied by:

  • severe headache
  • confusion
  • stiff neck swollen forehead
  • pain or swelling around the eyes
  • double vision or vision changes
  • shortness of breath
  • snot is a nasal discharge tinged with blood accompanied by:
    • fever
    • coughing
    • fatigue
    • achy feeling around the teeth
    • pain, pressure in the brow or forehead or cheeks
    • pain worsens when lying down or bending forward
  • there is fever of 100.5F (38C)

In all of the above situations not all those signs or symptoms need to be present at the same time. There are other causes of yellow snot, the above ones are just some of the more common ones.

Causes of sinus infection and yellow snot

  • Whenever mucus or air cannot flow through the nasal or sinus cavities, mucus will create sinus pressure, stagnate and infect those cavities
  • Sometimes yellow mucus is produced by a bacterial infection that has originated with a "cold" lasting more than a week or so. First the nose and sinuses produce a clear mucus, which is intended to wash away the germs or bacteria. A few days later the immune system comes into play and the mucus changes from clear to a white or yellow mucus. Then it can change to a green color
  • Cigarette smoking can exacerbate a sinus infection and yellow mucus
  • When the yellow mucus is accompanied by bad taste or odor it is a sign that the bacterial infection has taken over. In these cases there is often intense pain and sinus pressure in the forehead and facial areas--which, by the way, is preventable. A situation like this requires seeing a physician who will likely prescribe an antibiotic. Otherwise the infection would drag on for weeks before the body's immune system is able to take care of it.
  • Irritation of the nasal and sinus cavities caused by allergies to things such as house dust, pollens, etc., can also be the cause of yellow mucus
  • Dry air can cause yellow mucus when the cavities membranes try to re-hydrate themselves
  • Mucus and phlegm producing foods can cause excessive drainage , pressure or other sinus problems which can lead to sinus infection

Getting to know sinus pressure symptoms may help prevent many a sinus infection when acted upon.

Sinusitis and yellow mucus
Another common cause of yellow mucus is sinusitis which is, technically, an inflammation of the sinus cavities lining. The membranes swell and obstruct the openings of the sinus passages impeding the flow of mucus and air and eventually an infection develops from the stagnated mucus. These are the most common causes of sinusitis:

  • Smoking
  • Allergies
  • Changes in air pressure
  • Changes in temperature
  • Polyps
  • Nasal spray decongestants

Coughing up yellow mucus

It can be sign of acute bronchitis or chronic bronchitis, especially when accompanied by other symptoms. It is important to monitor other emerging signs to make sure any more serious developing condition is dealt with early on. When the coughing up of yellow mucus is accompanied by one or more of the symptoms listed below, the condition should be closely watched:

  • chest discomfort
  • sensation of tiredness
  • shortness of breath
  • fever and chills
  • wheezing

They, together with the coughing, can be signs or symptoms of chronic or acute bronchitis. With the latter you can have a nagging cough that lingers for several weeks even after the bronchitis is gone. Yet bronchitis symptoms can be misleading, since this disorder is not always accompanied by yellow mucus. One can develop chronic bronchitis without first developing acute bronchitis. In the case of smokers who must deal with mucus in their throat in the morning, if it continues for more than three months it could be considered chronic bronchitis.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

  • recurring respiratory infections, for example: colds and the flu, with more intense coughing and more mucus
  • coughing that is more pronounced in damp weather and in the mornings
  • viral or bacterial bronchitis may accompany chronic bronchitis

When I would get professional medical help

Ordinarily our own body deal with acute bronchitis on its own. However, you should see a physician if:

  • the coughing is so intense that it keeps you from sleeping; I should then get a prescription to suppress it so you can sleep
  • I have the signs or symptoms of pneumonia:
    • cough up bloody mucus or yellowish-gray or green mucus
    • shortness of breath
    • fever and chills
    • clammy skin
    • chest pain, worse when breathing deeply
    • in some cases the only pneumonia symptoms can include:
      • worsening cough
      • muscle ache
      • headaches
    • in many cases coughing may not be a major symptom as the infection may not be located in the airways
  • I have a low-grade fever lasting more than three days or higher than 101F (38.3 C)
  • the mucus color is important, a discolored mucus usually indicates a bacterial infection responding to antibiotic is
  • the cough lasts more than three weeks
  • I have repeated bouts with bronchitis which can be indicative of a more serious condition
  • if I have chronic lung or heart problems, including
    • asthma
    • emphysema
    • congestive heart failure, and think that you have developed bronchitis, you see a physician, since these conditions place you at greater risk of developing complications from a bronchial infection, you should go see your doctor.

Rhinitis and yellow mucus
There is a very common and persistent kind of irritation and inflammation of the nasal cavity called rhinitis or hay fever. I have rhinitis, but most of the time I don't even notice it. It is swelling of the nasal membranes and can lead to nasal cavity infection and yellow mucus. It is characterized for its "runny nose" symptom. And it is caused by viruses or other irritants. Research has shown that it can produce ear and sleep disorders and affect brain activity. The underlying cause of rhinitis is, in many cases, allergens; while its proximate cause is high production of histamine. If it becomes apparent that rhinitis is, indeed, being caused by allergens, an allergy specialist can be consulted to determine which specific allergen(s) is (are) causing the problem. Desensitizing therapy can then be administered effectively. It should be recognized that rhinitis, although not ordinarily a serious condition, it can be the cause of a nasal or sinus infection and yellow mucus--if the irritation of the cavities membranes produced by viruses or other contaminants is left unattended.

Sinus infection and yellow mucus
Whenever a bacterial infection has set in with a high production of green mucus and/or yellow mucus, as excessive drainage it is good common sense to go see a physician. He (she) will, likely, prescribe an antibiotic, for example, Keflex, Bactrim DS. At that stage natural remedies will probably not be as effective as a regular antibiotic. Natural remedies, on the other hand, can be very effective if the infection is tackled at the onset. Sinus infections that keep recurring can promote other sinus cavity diseases like the formation of polyps, hence the importance of preventing and properly relieving a sinus infection. Remember that sinus pressure can be a precursor to a sinus infection. Nip the former in the bud.

Yellow mucus and surgery
There could be a desire to try to speed up a solution to chronic sinus infections, excessive yellow mucus, etc., through surgery. A surgical procedure called: opening of the meatal complex can be performed; but this should be the last thing after all other options are considered. Before seriously looking into surgery the following can be considered:

  • Eliminating certain foods and allergy reactions which cause or exacerbate sinus problems and yellow mucus
  • Stopping the smoking habit, if one is involved. This is a must
  • Ascertaining for sure whether the tiny openings of the sinuses are permanently obstructed and surgery is the only option
  • Securing a second and even a third medical opinion
Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract
a - vertebrae, b - esophagus, c - trachea
d - cricoid cartilage, e - laryngopharynx, f -
pharynx, g - nasopharynx, k - tongue,
l - hard palate, o - superior turbinate,
p - middle turbinate, q - inferior turbinate

Chronic yellow mucus relief
Knowing the symptoms of an oncoming sinus infection can be very beneficial. For example, sinus drainage, watery light yellow or clear mucus--can allow for early relief procedure and "nip the infection in the bud." By giving the immune system that beneficial early boost it can stem an infection and yellow mucus. Natural remedies, at that early stage, often yield very rewarding results. There are specific botanicals, two in particular, let's call them "botanicals A and B." These have proven, in actual practice, to be a formidable immune system booster against sinus infection which often leads to yellow mucus, viruses, "colds,'' and even the "flu." Everyone I know who has tried it has become a believer. Botanicals "A" and "B" are explained in detail in Three Steps to Sinus and Mucus Relief . There are other considerations to be taken into account to defeat chronic yellow mucus:

  • Foods we eat - this is much overlooked and more important than most of us realize
  • Allergies- to pollens, household or work place chemicals, house dust, animal dander
  • Misalignment of a bone in the neck area - this impedes full nerve flow and is also explained in detail in the publication offered at the end of the page
  • Continuing low grade infection - this can be caused by one or a combination of any of the previous three items
  • Chronic sinus pressure - as the genesis of the problem; and this is how I would deal with it:
    • Nip infections in the bud
    • Boost the immune system early
    • Change some food and drink items
    • Keep the sinuses clear through acupressure
    • Bring sinus pressure relief soon whenever mucus builds up
    • Consider fasting for a chronic condition

Stop yellow mucus - tips

  • Dark yellow mucus is often an indication that one needs to do something about it
  • Mucus and air must pass freely between the nasal and sinus cavities as you breathe
  • Keep the sinus passages clear at all times the right way--through natural procedures
  • The use of sinus pressure points (acupressure) can help keep the sinuses clear avoiding sinus pressure
  • We don't notice it, but the nasal and sinus membranes are constantly producing mucus
  • You can quickly relieve sinus pressure and congestion by using acupressure
  • Keep the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract clear--drink plenty of water
  • What is referred to as "sinus drainage" can be the normal amount of mucus
  • Abnormal amount of sinus drainage can have a simple solution in many cases
  • Certain foods can be beneficial to the sinuses as they can help prevent, fight infections and yellow mucus
  • Other foods can lead to eventual yellow mucus production and sinus pressure or other sinus problems



Below are common cries from thousands of people who, besides having to deal with yellow mucus have, at times, other mucus issues for which they would like to have some guidance. Here are some of them and tips on how to manage them:

Prevent excessive mucus
We know by now that we need clear, watery mucus--the good kind--to be running constantly to keep our sinuses healthy. But an excessive amount of even good mucus, to say nothing of yellow mucus, is annoying and can cause irritation of the sinus cavity and its passages. Thus here are some tips to prevent excessive mucus whether yellow mucus, etc:

  1. Drink plenty of water every day
    • plain, pure water
    • avoid cold water and soft drinks
  2. relieve early sinus pressure and any irritations of the organs of the breasting apparatus and avoid infection, green and/or yellow mucus
  3. Test for allergic reaction for house pet dander
    • get close to pets and their areas and inhale deeply
      • if you are allergic to dander you will
        • get itchy eyes or nose
        • start coughing
        • get watery eyes
        • have breathing difficulties, etc.
      • if you are not allergic you will not have those reactions
    • based on the intensity of the reaction decide whether to
      • get desensitization therapy or
      • get rid of the pet
  4. Test for allergic reaction to house dust
    • use same general approach as for house pets
    • based on reaction decide next step as shown above
  5. Test for pollen allergies for your area; see an allergist physician if you suspect you have any
  6. Some foods are mucus producing and you should avoid them
  7. Be sure to get enough antioxidants and zinc in your diet
  8. Excessive mucus irritation can cause infection and green and yellow mucus; thus nip it in the bud
  9. Sinus pressure, if unattended, can produce mucus including yellow mucus

Stop clear mucus
Sometimes yellow mucus is preceded by clear mucus. If it is very abundant it can irritate the respiratory (breathing) organs and passages and even contribute to a sinus or nasal infection. This is what I would do to stop this clear mucus:

  1. Drink plenty of water to help immune system
  2. If I were a smoker I would quit
  3. If I suspect it is an allergic reaction I would:
    • seek the allergen source
      • pollens
      • house dust
      • outside dust
      • pet dander
    • stay away from those allergens as much as possible
    • take an antihistamine like "Allegra"
    • if it is a chronic problems I would see an allergist physician
  4. Abstain from eating mucus producing foods
  5. Stop eating sugar until the clear mucus is gone
  6. Chronic excessive clear mucus can irritate the sinus and nasal cavities and cause infection, yellow mucus, etc.
  7. If I do not obtain relieve doing the above I would consider food allergy as possible cause
    • I would try to isolate the food involved
    • just do not eat that food
  8. Should the clear mucus turn into a yellow mucus, especially a deep yellow hue, it can be a sign of an infection.

These tips should in some degree help you prevent excessive mucus.

Prevent clear mucus
The steps to prevent the formation of clear mucus would be, in many respects, similar to the ones to stop it, above. We must understand that a certain amount of clear-watery mucus is normal and necessary for respiratory health--about one to two pints per day. Yet there are additional steps that could possibly be taken to help ensure prevention of excessive clear mucus. Here are some:

  1. Study carefully the section above under "Stop clear mucus"
  2. Keep up your general health by
    • eating a balance diet
      • lots of fresh fruits and vegetable
      • almonds 3-4 times per week
      • pomegranate juice--is loaded with anti-oxidants, etc., etc.
      • cut back sugar is you have a sweet tooth
    • exercising regularly
      • weight control, of course
      • to prevent or relieve diabetes
        • 30 minutes a day
        • try to perspire good
        • enjoy it
    • having regular period of relaxation
    • stop smoking if you do
  3. The immune systems should be carefully guarded to avoid sinus infection with its green and yellow mucus sequel
    • antioxidants should be taken daily, e.g.,
      • Pycnogenol, pomegranates, blue berry fresh or fresh juice
      • pomegranate extracts or fresh juice, etc.
    • fresh garlic or its active ingredient allicin can be used regularly
      • allicin is very unstable and so far only Allimax produces stable allicin
      • allicin, some say, is ":nature's antibiotic" and germ fighter
      • serious scientific research attests to its long list of benefits
    • by preventing clear mucus we can indirectly helping prevent infection and yellow mucus
  4. Drink plenty of water daily and again, use sugar sparingly
  5. Learn to manage stress successfully
    • prolonged stress weakens the immune system
      • many viral attacks, flu, colds could be avoided lowering stress level
      • faith and confidence in a God of love and mercy and prayer can do wonders
    • science corroborates that many diseases' onset are associated with stress
  6. A positive mental attitude is a winner, even for the preservation of health
  7. Enhancing clear mucus prevention, as explained above, enhances also the prevention of yellow mucus and promotes general health

Stop excess mucus
Temporary excess mucus is normal in some cases because of :

  1. Temperature changes
  2. Some foods we eat
    • produce mucus
    • can weaken our immune system
  3. Immune system activity
  4. Environmental changes
  5. Colds, viruses
  6. Allergic reactions, etc.
  7. Irritation of the sinus and nasal membranes
    • house dust
    • outside dust
    • pollutants, etc

In the section entitled "Stop clear mucus," below, are a series of suggestions of things one can do to stop excess mucus which could prove helpful here, too.

Stop mucus
We need to remind ourselves that clear mucus is normal. Our body, as we have already seen , is constantly producing it and we should not even notice it. Thus what we really want is to stop what we consider it to be excessive clear mucus. To do this properly one needs to analyze the following:
  1. Possible causes
    • allergic reaction to:
      • household environment
        • house dust--particularly dust mites droppings
        • bathroom or laundry chemicals
        • animal dander
      • outside air pollution
        • smog
        • industrial smoke
      • plant pollens
        • outside plants
        • indoor plants
    • food
      • excessive eating
      • mucus producing foods
      • food allergies
    • allergic rhinitis--also called "runny nose"
    • infection
      • from sinus cavity
      • from nasal cavity
      • from some other respiratory organ
      • from virus--"colds--" or bacterium
  2. Mucus color, e.g.:
    • clear is the good kind, but too much of it can cause an irritation
    • an irritation of sinus or nasal cavity membranes can cause an infection that causes:
      • green and/or
      • yellow mucus
    • mucus with traces of pink or red requires a prompt visit to a physician
  3. Other symptoms present, e.g.:
    • coughing
    • fever
    • chills
    • headache
    • dizziness
    • nausea, etc.
  4. Smoking--if one has the habit
  5. Stress level
    • this a very overlooked potential contributing cause
    • high level can, over time, weaken the immune system
      • makes person more susceptible to viruses, etc.
      • has been shown to contribute to many other health disorders
  6. To stop mucus in the winter months when pollens may be almost nil one must look for allergens inside the house. As already stated house dust can be a very potent allergens source. Perform a simple test to see if this is the cause of your mucus issue. Please, click for details here
  7. Remember that green and yellow mucus are signs of infection and should not be allowed to stay unattended.

To permanently stop mucus one can evaluate one's situation in the light of the outline, above. Then correct the situation deemed to be associated with the mucus problem. If, on the other hand, the excessive clear mucus is suspected to be linked to other health issues, then the wise thing to do is to go see the doctor.

Clear Mucus and Food
Clear mucus is mostly "good mucus" produced to aid the respiratory organs to carry on their vital function. It is constantly produced by the sinuses, but when it becomes excessive it is annoying and a sign of a disorder. While produced in the sinuses and nasal cavities its excess is often the result of irritation or infection. Sometimes an allergic reaction to environmental elements--pollen, dust, smog, smoke, etc-.-is addressed by the immune systems as invaders that it must protect against using histamine--a clear, watery mucus like substance that is intended to wash off the invaders. Most people, however, don't realize that foods can heavily make worse excessive mucus production or just plain be the cause thereof. Anyone can make some common sense food testing by eating certain types of suspected foods and then evaluate the potential reaction on your sinus and other respiratory organs.

Yet there has been some debate as to whether foods can cause mucus. We have no question about it, since we have empirically (by non-scientific observation and testing) proved it. Some foods can produce sinus mucus, pressure, drainage, etc. Thus it is advantageous to learn what are the foods which could be, at least, partly responsible for some of your sinus miseries. In other words, find out to what extent they could be affecting your mucus production issues, such as: Sinus pressure, sinusitis, drainage, etc. 3 Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, discuses this item in detail and offers specific suggestions. You could be ignoring what could be perhaps the most important element in managing excess mucus. No matter how hard you try otherwise, unless you address the matter of food, as a potential or contributory cause of excessive mucus, other therapeutic steps alone may not suffice to bring you the permanent relief you may be seeking and deserve. Here are some categories of foods to avoid:

Foods Categories to Avoid

  1. Refined flours and grains
  2. Fermented foods
  3. Sugar in all its forms--use considerably less than before
  4. Cow's milk
  5. Eggs--use considerably less than before
  6. The worst foods: eggnog, milkshake, ice cream

As the old adage states: "The best cure is prevention", and if a person were to abstain, as much as possible, from potential mucus producing foods that would be the best mucus healing step one could take to heal and prevent excess mucus.

Mucus and Food
Now that it has become clear that there is a correlation between the food we eat at the state of the sinuses, let's see some lists of foods and what they can do to the sinuses. One should be aware, of course, that not every one reacts the same, whether to foods, medications, the environment, etc. Thus it behooves those who are really interested in getting well to keep this information handy and to experiment, by isolating those foods we suspect as bad foods. Then we can eat them by themselves and monitor the results.

Foods Which Can Produce Excess Clear Mucus:

  • Edibles containing food additives
    • Splenda
    • Sweet and Low, etc.
  • Eggs
    • when eaten regularly
    • an occasional one is not so much mucus generating
  • Fermented foods
    • cheese
    • wine, etc
    • beer
    • yeast raised bread
  • Sugar containing foods
    • soft drinks
    • desserts
    • ice cream
    • cold breakfast cereals
    • milk shakes, etc.
  • Cow's milk
  • Refined carbs
    • white bread
    • white rice
    • pastas
    • processed grains and legumes
  • Perhaps the worst mucus producing food: eggnog

Clear Mucus Friendly Foods
For those suffering from excessive mucus or those wanting to prevent excessive mucus, here is a list of mucus friendly foods:

  • Fruits
    • pineapples
    • lemons and limes
    • grapefruits
      • has cleansing properties
      • promotes general health
    • avocados
    • apples
    • pears
    • apricots
    • peaches
  • Fresh vegetables
    • carrots
    • lettuces
    • turnips
    • water cress, etc.
  • Coconut water
    • it has much potassium
    • it is credited with bodily cleansing properties
Sinus-Clearing Foods:
  • Fresh fruits
  • Pineapple
    • it has cleansing properties
    • bromelain is its active medicinal ingredient
  • Vegetables
    • cruciferous are known for their cleansing and medicinal properties
    • many different vegetables are needed daily for a balanced diet
  • Garlic
    • deemed to be a "miracle herb"
    • called nature's "antibiotic"
    • deemed to have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
    • the list of remedial benefits is long
    • thousands of scientific studies attest to the validity of its remedial properties
  • Onions
    • it has also blood thinning properties
    • together with garlic is an excellent remedy to dispose of
      • bad bacteria
      • viruses
  • Chiles
    • together with other hot spices it clears the and sinuses breathing passages
    • it's inexpensive and readily available
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne pepper containing spices - see under "chiles", above

Mucus Friendly foods:

  • Non-mucus forming foods:
    • fruits
      • fresh
      • cooked
    • green-leaf vegetables
    • nuts
      • they should not over used
      • most of them are acid forming
  • Fruits
    • pineapples
      • it has bromelain
      • it contains other medicinal properties
      • it has cleansing properties
    • lemons and limes
    • grapefruits
      • has cleansing properties
      • promotes general health
    • avocados
      • promotes general health
      • helps the body cope better with sinus mucus
      • it has been called the body's lubricant
  • Fresh green-leaf vegetables
    • swiss chad
    • lettuces
    • spinach
    • celery, etc.
  • Nuts
    • almonds, especially
      • non-acid forming
      • it is considered by some to have cancer preventing properties
    • filberts
    • pecans
    • walnuts
    • pistachios, etc
  • Spicy foods
    • their decongestant properties help prevent sinus mucus accumulation and pressure
      • peppers
        • cayenne
        • jalapenos, etc.
      • other "hot" peppers
    • they should be used with moderation
  • Garlic
    • allicin is its active medicinal element
    • it has been called "nature's antibiotic"
    • it can help prevent and relieve sinus infection
  • Coconut water
    • it has much potassium
    • it is credited with bodily cleansing properties

Snot and Food
There is hardly any question about the connection between snot and food. Empirical evidence strongly suggests the significant influence of foods on the production, clearing and healing of snot.

Foods Which Can Produce Snot Mucus:

  • Foods containing chemical additives
  • Eggs
  • Fermented foods
    • cheese
    • wine, etc
    • beer
    • vinegar
  • Sweet foods
    • pastries
    • desserts
    • ice cream
    • sugary breakfast cereals
    • soda pops
  • Cow's milk
  • Refined flours and grains
    • white bread
    • white rice
    • pastas
      • macarroni
      • spaghetti.

People with snot problems should avoid, as much as possible, the above foods.

Mucus remedies
Mucus remedies can be natural or conventional--mostly OTC (over-the-counter) items. For temporary relief of mucus this is what I would do:

  1. Drink as much water as possible
    • even better would be to drink large amount of herbal tea
    • no sugary drinks or milk
  2. Stop eating mucus producing foods
    • fermented foods
    • starchy, such as:
      • white bread
      • polished rice
      • pastas, etc.
    • cow's milk
    • sugary cold cereals
    • desserts
  3. Consider using a sinus rinse to flush out debris from nose cavity and sinuses
    • saline solution are fine
    • neti pots are fine
    • no more than twice a day
    • guard the cilia, so it can continue to move mucus in the right direction
  4. Eat fresh garlic to help prevent an infection from setting in
  5. I would try to determine whether allergies is the cause of the problem
    • house dust especially I would test for allergy
    • depending on its intensity I would decide whether to seek medical help
    • if it is just a passing situation I would handle it with OTC antihistamines
  6. Watch the color of the mucus for signs of infection (yellow or green)
    • dark yellow usually signifies the presence of an infection
    • whenever there is blood present a physician should be consulted
  7. If after a few days it does not go away I would:
    • try to go to the cause of the problem
    • experiment with various foods to see which one can be mucus producing for me
    • if foods is not the problem, then an allergic reaction should be considered
  8. I would not allow mucus to become a chronic problem
  9. The other alternative I could follow is to take an OTC antihistaminic remedy for a few days
    • monitor the results and see if mucus goes away
    • if it doesn't then I would follow steps 1-8.
What to do for clear mucus
A certain amount of clear mucus is normal and necessary for the respiratory system to function properly. When it becomes excessive, however, it is bothersome and indicates a condition that should probably be cared for. A clea mucus secretion can become yellow mucus when an infection is in progress. This is what I would do for unwanted clear mucus:
  1. First step is to try to go to the cause of the problem: hay fever, cold, virus, etc. Then eliminate it. These are often common causes and what I would do:
    • hay fever -- I stay away as far away from suspected allergens as I can and eat right--non-mucus producing foods
    • colds -- many colds are from viruses and are often connected with the changing seasons. I would strengthen my immune system by:
      • taking extra Vitamins A and C
      • at the first sign of a cold I would take elderberry concentrate and allicin--garlic active ingredient
      • take a hot shower and perspire all I can followed by a cooler one, then I would:
      • rest and relax all I can
      • clear any congestion or sinus pressure
    • viruses -- I basically do the same as for a cold
    • allergies -- an antihistamine, e.g., Allegra is a standard remedy, however if the excessive mucus is accompanied by other strong reactions I would consider allergy tests for possible desensitizing therapy
    • sinusitis -- I don't allow a nasal cavity or sinus cavity congestion or sinus pressure go unchecked; because the accumulated mucus can stagnate and cause sinus infection (sinusitis) with its yellow and/or green mucus; over time sinus cavity diseases can begin to develop if the infection becomes chronic. I do acupressure every day (4-5minutes) to keep my sinuses clear at all times. Sometimes the infection is from infected mucus in the nasal membrane
    • bronchitis -- if I follow the above tips chances are bronchitis would be prevented
    • asthma -- to prevent its cause is the ideal, but a host of things that can trigger an asthma attack. Just to name some:
      • airborne allergen particles:
        • pollen
        • fungi
        • animal dander
        • molds
        • house dust
        • dust mites, etc.
      • colds and respiratory infections
      • cold air
      • smoke
      • smog
      • certain medications such as: beta blockers, aspirin, etc.
      • stress and strong emotions
      • allergic reaction to some foods, such as: peanuts, shellfish, etc., etc.;
        • I would try to ascertain what is (are) the main culprit(s)
        • avoid it (them) as best I can, and
        • have a quick-relief inhaler to control symptoms
  2. I make it a habit to drink plenty of plain, room temperature water everyday. This helps to:
    • strengthen the immune system
    • help flush toxins, mucus, etc. from the body
    • promote general health and well being
    • helps regularity
  3. I would avoid eating, or significantly reduce mucus producing foods such as: fermented foods, sugar, among others
  4. Initially for excessive mucus I would use a non drowsy antihistamine such as: Allegra, Claritin or some other OTC remedy. This help prevent an irritation of the respiratory organ membranes and thus possibly avert infection, etc.
  5. I try to keep my sinuses clear at all times
  6. Fasting and medicinal herbs for cleansing of the body and therapeutic reasons is recognized as potentially very effective to boost the body's immune system so it can better protect us. I would seriously consider it if my excessive mucus was a chronic condition
  7. Disorders such as excessive mucus are often aggravated by too much stress for too long; thus I would seek to reduce it and find moments for total relaxation each day
  8. I would nip sinus pressure in the bud to avoid complications. Sinus pressure is perhaps more responsible for sinus infection than most realize
  9. Wrongs foods is probably the number one root cause of excessive clear mucus.

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Key Elements to
Remember for
Sinus Cure

Right foods
Pressure points
Right natural remedies

A combination of healing systems working synergistically (cooperatively) for your sinuses is the key to sinus healing

Combining empirical research and reading many sources of information is how I found this new approach

The right sinus relief is more than just taking medications. It involves: Right eating, botanicals, some regular medications & pressure points for the sinuses

Foods can significantly affect your sinuses. Learn which foods can cause problems and which ones promote healing





Disclaimer: I am not a physician nor a licensed health care practitioner. The statements made in this web site or in the publication: Three Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are intended to describe what I did or would personally do only, and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease or condition for others. The reader should continue to regularly consult a physician with regard to his or her health. Especially with respect to any matters or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical care.

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