Causes, Symptoms, Temporary Relief, Prevention
Commonly known as: "runny nose," "stuffy nose," rhinitis--its medical term--affects millions of Americans and countless others around the world. It is not life threatening and although not often easily curable, its annoying symptoms can be greatly minimized. I have had rhinitis practically from childbirth, but today you wouldn't know it. I am 95 percent free from those symptoms miseiries thanks to a unique healing approach I discovered several years ago after much reading and experimenting. This is what I did:
I combined relief elements from several healing systems. And within a short time the results on my allergic rhinitis were amazing. I felt I should tell others my healing story; thus: Three Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, which explains in detail what I did. click
What is rhinitis and what causes it
Simply defined it is mostly a permanent swelling of the nasal cavity membranes with an excessive amount of histamine mucus produced.
This is not a comprehensive list, but possibly covers most known causes:
- The root cause seems to be:
- genetic
- exposure to any sinus or nasal membrane irritant
- An infection
- viral
- bacterial
- Environmental allergies to:
- smog, car exhaust
- dust
- outside dust
- workplace dust
- house dust
- pollens
- cigarette smoke
- molds
- strong fumes
- chemicals
- Other causes
- sudden changes in the weather or ambient temperature
- foods, spices which trigger a non-allergic nerve reflex
- certain medications
and substances
- birth control pills
- supplementary female hormone
- blood pressure medications
- cocaine
- repeated use of some nasal spray decongestants
- aspirin
- household items such as:
- pet animal dander
- cleaning chemicals
- hair sprays, perfumes, etc.
Sometimes a combination of two or more of the above items is the culprit.
Symptoms of rhinitis
These are some of the most common symptoms:
- Runny nose
- Can mimic a cold
- Sneezing
- Malaise
- Post nasal drip (PND)
- Nasal congestion
- Indisposition
- Besides the nose hay fever can affect a person in other ways:
- itchy, watery eyes
- irritation in the throat
- impairment of learning activity
- difficulty sleeping
- ringing and/or itching ears
![Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract](/images/oral_cavity.jpg)
Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract
a - vertebrae, b - esophagus, - trachea
d - cricoid cartilage, e - laryngopharynx, f -
pharynx, g - nasopharynx, k - tongue,
l - hard palate,
o - superior turbinate,
p - middle turbinate, q - inferior turbinate
Rhinitis accompanied by PND (post nasal drip)
Rhinitis can be accompanied by post nasal drip, sometimes called sinus drainage. What happens is that some of the mucus or histamine begins to flow from the rear of the nasal cavity directly into the back of the throat. This excessive amount of mucus if allowed to continue unchecked can cause irritation of the membranes lining the throat area; as well as the bronchial membranes and create a potential for bronchitis or infection in those areas. Yellow mucus or green snot could be a sign of infection. Thus, this excessive mucus drainage should be checked.
Rhinitis accompanied by post nasal drip relief procedure: What I would do--for temporary relief
- Whenever allergies are involved an OTC anti-histamine can usually control the flow of mucus
- consult your pharmacist
- for an OTC anti-histamine
- if you have a headache for an OTC analgesic
- be aware that most anti-histamines have drowsiness as a side effect
- read the label instructions carefully
- consult your pharmacist
- I use an herb which has "anti-biotic" properties; this is explained in the publication being offered, Click
- Rest and relaxation always helps the body to guard against viruses and bacteria
- I drink 5-7 glasses of water to thin the mucus so it can flow better and to support the immune system
- I don't allow symptoms to go unchecked in order to avoid other sinus problems
- If in a few days I don't see progress I go see my doctor
Kinds of rhinitis
Some of the most common kinds of rhinitis, using medical terminology: allergic, non-allergic, infective, medicamentosa. The most common is allergic rhinitis.
Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever)
This is one of the most common upper respiratory organ disorders--it affects a large percentage of the population. It can be year-round or seasonal. The latter usually starts when seasonal pollens begin to fill the air. The former, the year-round type, is associated with:
- household dust
- outside dust
- animal dander
- household cleaning chemicals
- heavy smog
- hereditary predisposition
If both parents have a history of hay fever (allergic rhinitis) the risk to the children is quite high. It decreases if one parent only has had it. Most sufferers develop allergic rhinitis symptoms before the age of 30.
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) relief: What I would do--for temporary relief
I have allergic rhintis--the year-round kind--and this is what I do or believe in doing:
- No histamine, mucus, and phlegm producing foods and drinks
- Take some "natural antihistamine." Large doses of Vitamin C can also help some
- Keep away as much as possible from the allergen source
- The bedroom, the mattress, should be kept as free from pollens, other airborne allergens and dust as possible
- pollen can cling to the skin, hair, clothing; thus bathing before going to bed lowers that exposure
- wash bedding often
- if I suspected I was allergic to house dust, I would:
- enclose the mattress in a plastic bag to avoid dust mites, etc.
- keep bedroom area as free from dust as possible
- wash linen and pillow cases often
- keep the floor mopped, vacuumed, often
- Take in substantial fluids, especially plain water at room temperature: 5 - 6 glasses a day
- At the first sign of sinus pressure do acupressure for the sinuses
- These are things I would consider if my condition did not improve significantly:
- Testing for sensitivity to specific allergens; a major culprit often is: house dust
- For high sensitivity items I took allergy shots
- Pollen filters can be used as air filters at home and in automobiles
- Irrigations can remove contaminants and keep air passages clear
- If natural antihistamines do nor work I would use, for temporary relief, an OTC remedy like:
- Claritin
- Allegra
- I would nip any sinus pressure, sinusitis and other sinus disorders in the bud
- maintaining breathing passages and sinus cavities clear at all times
- abstaining from eating or drinking histamine mucus, producing foods
Permanent relief of allergic rhinitis (hay fever): What I would do
The things I did that have given me permanent relief--for over four years now--are outlined in the Publication being offered. Please, click for more information.
About the best one can do is to stay away, as much as possible, from the areas where allergens abound. Keep in mind that an allergic reaction can cause sinus pressure, which, not cared for, has the potential for producing an upper respiratory tract infection--if sinus mucus gets infected and is allowed to move down in the form of drainage. One would do well to remember that:
- It's always better to care for sinus pressure symptoms before full blown sinus pressure develops
- Some foods we eat can, on the other hand, exacerbate an allergic reaction
- It's wise to stay away, as much as possible, from the source of:
- allergens
- irritation from household items such as:
- cleaning products
- animal dander, etc.
- Enough relaxation and rest are excellent ways to support the immune system
- When properly done fasting can also boost the immune system and promote general health
- if you have doubts as to whether it is safe for you, consult you physician
- get detailed information as to how to do it safely
- fasting can have cleansing and detoxify properties
Non-allergic Rhinitis
Sometimes rhinitis keeps coming back. If this is your case you probably have non-allergic rhinitis. Often the symptoms are similar to hay fever. Non-allergic rhinitis--also known as vasomotor rhinitis--is often, on the other hand, the result of an excessive amount of blood vessels in the nasal membrane; or over-sensitivity of the latter to such things as:
- Environmental and domestic causes such as:
- air pollution
- cigarette smoke
- as a primary user
- as a secondary recipient
- perfumes
- aerosol sprays
- ozone
- Strong emotional reaction
- Spices
- Alcohol
- Some medications
- Psychological stress
- Barometric pressure and temperature and weather changes
If left unattended it may develop complications such as:
- Chronic sinusitis
- Middle ear infections
- Nasal polyps
Non-allergic rhinitis is often diagnosed whenever allergy is ruled out. The average age for this type of rhinitis is after the age of 20 years. On the other hand allergic-rhinitis is usually detected before the age of 20. Unlike allergic rhinitis--which usually appears during specific times of the year--the non allergic type is usually perennial. Discomforts may also increase during specific seasons of the year when weather changes take place rapidly.
Non-allergic rhinitis relief: What I would do--for temporary relief
This is what I would consider doing:
- Again, I would abstain from all histamine and mucus producing foods and drinks
- Drink as much water as possible. At least 5 - 6 glasses per day
- water that has antioxidant properties is excellent
- sugary drinks such as soft drinks should be left out
- Irrigations can be beneficial to flush out irritants
- you can make your own, such as saline solution
- make sure to carefully mix the right proportions of water and sal
- be sure to avoid chemicals that can damage the cilia
- you can make your own, such as saline solution
- or you can buy them OTC, such as NeilMed Sinus Rinse
- follow their instructions
- do not use more often than it is recommended
- or you can get a state-of-the-arts devise, such as Sinupulse, below, Click
- Rhinitis, which can be at least in part a disorder of the immune system, can be helped by acupressure for the latter
- Guard your nasal cilia against damage when using sprays, and inhalations
- The sinus membranes should be kept moist by the use of a room humidifier. Air passages and cavities should be kept clear
As with allergic rhinitis, to my knowledge, there is no sure way yet to prevent non-allergenic hay fever. Yet some things can be done to lessen symptoms and prevent complications:
- Keep away from sources of things that make your hay fever symptoms worse
- Careful with the overuse of decongestants--they can worsen this condition
- One should not hesitate to see a physician if circumstances and common sense call for it
- Many a sinus infections and complications can begin with a sinus pressure that was not properly cared for
- One should stay away from mucus, phlegm, histamine producing foods and drinks
- Nip a sinus congestion and sinus pressure in the bud
Infectious Rhinitis
It is also known as: acute, and viral rhinitis and it can have many of the symptoms of a sinus infection, or a common cold. Infectious rhinitis can have the symptoms that follow:
- headache
- chills
- fever
- mucus with pus
- watery nasal mucus
- the mucus can thicken and slowly disappear
- obstruction in the nasal passages
- malaise
- facial pain
- watery eyes
These symptoms can last anywhere from 7-14 days and the kind of symptoms experienced depend on the type of rhinovirus involved--there are over 100 types of them--and the immune system reaction.
Infectious rhinitis: What I would do for temporary relief
Antibiotics do not do any good against viruses. Thus, there isn't a lot one can do, medically, to fight it. A viral infection is usually allowed to run its course.The strategy, therefore, can be to: (1) contain the viral infection so it won't infect other respiratory organs, (2) minimize the discomfort symptoms (3) one can use nature's antiviral products. Thus this is what I would do:
- Take in as much water and natural fresh juices as I can
- Use the herb recommended in the publication Three Steps to Sinus and Mucus Relief, click
- Induce perspiration for about 15 minutes from a sauna bath or warm bath
- Go to bed and sleep as much as possible
- If fever is present I would take an OTC remedy
- If there is sinus pressure or the mucus is thick B5, A2, 3, 4
- if acupressure is not effective I would do steam inhalations
- the steam temperature should be the correct one
- the cilia should not be paralyzed by the high temperature
- a saline solution nasal rinse
- if acupressure is not effective I would do steam inhalations
- As a last resort I would use an OTC decongestant
- talk to your pharmacist about it
- read product instructions carefully
- do not drive or operate machinery if the remedy makes one drowsy
- If a headache is strong and persistent I would use OTC remedy
- Any continuos post nasal discharge or drainage could be a sign of a bacterial infection and a doctor could prescribe an antibiotic
- Proper disposal of nasal tissues contaminated with infected mucus is a must
- Phlegm should not to swallowed. I would:
- use guaifenesin, without DM, to expectorate productively
- I would consider doing a chest percussion procedure if phlegm is a problem
As already mentioned Three Steps to Sinus Cure explains in detail how to deal with mucus and other respiratory issue symptoms.
The support of the immune system can be very beneficial, especially when done at the very first sign of a possible bout with infective rhinitis. As mentioned already some herbs have natural antiviral properties. The prevention items shown under the allergic rhinitis heading would, essentially, apply here, too. You also want to prevent the spreading of the infection to other respiratory organs like the sinus membranes lining the sinus cavitties, bronchi, etc. Dealing effectively with the nasal cavity infection and even sinus cavity can prevent complications.
Rhinitis Medicamentosa
Often continuous use of some nasal sprays like: naphazoline, phenylephrine and others for about a week or longer can bring about this type of rhinitis. Why? For one thing these sprays have a constricting effect in the blood vessels of the nasal cavity membrane. Therefore, they can contribute to a permanent swelling of the turbinates--found in the nasal cavity. This condition interferes with regular breathing and often requires surgery. Those nasal sprays--when used excessively--are commonly associated with:
- chronic rhinitis
- upper respiratory infections
- non-allergic rhinitis--vasomotor rhinitis
- upper respiratory infections
- deviated septum
Rhinitis medicamentosa relief: What I would do for temporary relief
- if I have been using naphazoline or phenylephrine I would stop them
- talk to a physician about Rhinostat which can help cope with the withdrawal of the above nasal sprays
- talk to my doctor about using an oral steroid
- go an ENT specialist I trust
The use of some nasal sprays, as those described
in the opening paragraph of this section, above, can have very undesirable side effects if used for longer than a day or two. A saline solution spray is usually safer. Three Steps to Sinus and Rhinitis Relief has a formula for a saline solution that is widely used and safe, if the instructions therein are followed.
It is good to have a general knowledge on how our breathing organs function and common things that can affect them, for example, house dust. Doing some reading on rhintis and on things that we can do to prevent the onset of respiratory disease can be helpful. Although sinus cavities diseaases like cancer are rare, nonetheless we should keep our sinuses healthy by nipping symptoms in the bud and not allowing such disorders as sinus pressure, excessive mucus, sinus drainage, etc., to remain unchecked. Having healthy breathing organs can help one to concentrate on the hay fever, allergic rhintis, issue and avoid complications.
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